Truckers Against Trafficking Receives AWG Cares Award Grant

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Englewood, CO

Recently, AWG Cares provided a grant request in the amount of $3,000 to Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) in Englewood, CO. The grant request was submitted by Molly Telling, AWG Corporate employee.


Truckers Against Trafficking is raising up a mobile army of transportation professionals to assist law enforcement in the recognition and reporting of human trafficking, to aid in the recovery of victims and the arrest of perpetrators. Molly has worked with TAT for several years by organizing trainings for AWG employees. She said, “because we are a company that has employees and many partners on the road, I feel it’s something important to support and encourage employees to be trained in.”


Thank you, Molly, for donating to AWG Cares and submitting this grant request!


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