reStart, Inc. Receives AWG Cares Award Grant

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Kansas City, MO

Recently, AWG Cares provided a grant in the amount of $3,000 to reStart in Kansas City, MO. The grant request was submitted by Doug Martinson, AWG Support Center employee.


ReStart Inc. provides emergency shelter for youth, families, individuals, and veterans in the Kansas City area. They also offer emergency, temporary, and permanent housing programs and case management services.


After Doug and his coworkers in the AWG Business Analytics Department donated money as a group to reStart, Doug was inspired to submit a grant request to AWG Cares for the organization. The entire department was motivated knowing that, together, they could make a huge impact in the community.


Thank you, Doug, and the Business Analytics Department, for donating to AWG Cares and submitting this grant request!

reStart Inc.


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