Our mission is to provide our members with all of the products, tools, and services they need to compete favorably in all markets they serve. As our business continues to grow, our members already need products that we cannot provide, especially in high growth categories of refrigerated and frozen natural and organic products as well as locally grown goods.
Now more than ever, people understand the important role AWG plays in ensuring there is food on our grocery store shelves, and that we must continue to provide this essential service to our customers in increasingly efficient ways. With our current facilities at or near peak capacity in volume and well beyond capacity in the number of products they can stock, sticking more products into the current warehouse configuration simply makes the work harder on our teammates, reduces productivity and adds cost.
A new state-of-the-art automated distribution hub will allow us to increase efficiency, leverage productivity opportunities, and create a better working environment for employees. The new warehouse is capable of double the volume and SKU count across our facilities. This is going to be a new and exciting project for AWG.