Chadwick School Backpack Program Receives AWG Cares Award Grant

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Chadwick, MO

Recently, AWG Cares provided a grant request in the amount of $3,000 to the Chadwick School Backpack Program in Chadwick, MO. The grant request was submitted by Christopher Little, AWG Springfield Division employee.


Chadwick School, in support of the school Backpack Program’s mission, is to meet emergent needs in the areas of health, hunger, and hygiene so every student can be successful in school. Christopher and his wife, Jessi, live in this small rural community, and Jessi works at the school. In the past year, the number of students participating in the backpack program has doubled. Every Friday, 61 food backpacks are given out. This grant will be used to help fulfill the growing needs of these students.


Thank you, Christopher, for donating to AWG Cares and submitting this grant request!


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