Briggs & Barrett Project Receives AWG Cares Award Grant

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Norfolk, NE

Recently, AWG Cares provided a grant request in the amount of $3,000 to Briggs and Barrett Project in Norfolk, NE. The grant request was submitted by Verlene Synovec, AWG Nebraska Division employee.


Briggs & Barrett Project’s mission is to provide peace of mind to families while spreading awareness about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) in a supportive environment through education, tools and resources, with guidance from two angels in heaven. They also help by providing area families with Owlet Smart Socks for their babies so they don’t have to go through the loss of their child.


Thank you, Verlene, for donating to AWG Cares and submitting this grant request!

Briggs & Barrett Check Presentation 2022

Pictured from left to right:

  • Bob Miklos, Vice President & Division Manager, AWG Nebraska Division
  • Verlene Synovec, Senior Assistant – AIM Sales, AWG Nebraska Division
  • Allison Uecker, Co-Founder of Briggs & Barrett Project


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