AWG Reduces Transportation Costs For Member Retailers Through Year-End 2022

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Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. (AWG) announced a temporary reduction to fuel surcharges for their member-retailers through year-end and a one-time rebate for year-to-date activity. The company estimates the sum of the rebate and temporary reduction to exceed $9,000,000 for 2022.


AWG’s President and CEO remarked: “AWG is proud to be positioned to make this very significant investment to help our member-retailers maintain competitiveness and profitability, despite the ongoing fuel cost and inflationary headwinds and margin pressures; being driven by an increasingly price competitive retail climate.”


“AWG’s great cooperative model, which always places members first, is truly on display with this decision,” said Barry Queen, AWG’s chairman of the board. “AWG is easing the financial burden we’ve been experiencing on fuel with the temporary reduction of surcharges and is sending this money back to us now, instead of including it with patronage payments distributed in March. This is not something independent retailers expect from their wholesalers, and it’s fantastic that AWG as a cooperative is different and is financially positioned to continue bringing forward assistance when we need it most.”



Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. (AWG) is the nation’s largest cooperative food wholesaler to independently owned supermarkets, serving over 1,100 member companies and over 3,400 locations throughout 31 states from 9 wholesale Divisions. The consolidated sales for AWG are $10.8 billion. In addition to its cooperative wholesale operations, the company also operates subsidiary companies that provide certain real estate and supermarket development services, print and digital marketing services, health and beauty care, general merchandise, pharmaceutical products, specialty foods, and natural and organic products. For more information, visit and follow @AWGCorporate on Twitter.


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